The PAWlywood PAWdcast
Welcome to the PAWlywood PAWdcast with Sydney and Shannon! Tune in to chat animal movies. If it’s got hooves, fins, claws, or paws, we’re gonna talk about it—in themed outfits of course.
The PAWlywood PAWdcast
65 (with special guest Taliyah)
Sydney & Shannon
Season 1
Episode 9
Sydney & Shannon hop aboard a spaceship to the dinosaur past with 65, a movie their special guest Taliyah calls, “just hour and a half of Adam Driver screaming and moaning…that’s what got me through it.” When Is Adam Driver going to make a Patreon? How many different ways can we insult the naked dinosaur? Which is most baffling: the pacing, the title screen, or the single comedy scene? No offense, Adam Driver, but this movie left us with so many questions and few answers.